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  • Istituto DIRPOLIS

SANT’ANNA SPRING SCHOOL on parliamentary law will be held on may 16-17, 2019. constitutional court VICE PRESIDENT MARTA CARTABIA is the keynote speaker on may 16

Publication date: 13.05.2019
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The Spring School di Diritto Parlamentare 2019, organized by the Dirpolis Institute (Law, Politics and Development), focuses on Legislative Assemblies and Courts.

Founded as a result of cooperation between the Senato della Repubblica, Camera dei Deputati, Parlamento Europeo, Conferenza dei Presidenti delle Assemblee legislative delle Regioni e delle Province autonome, Scuola Normale Superiore, seminario “Silvano Tosi” - Università di Firenze and the Dottorato in Scienze Giuridiche - Università di Pisa, the Spring School dedicates itself to discuss the role of Legislative Bodies, public policy and decision making process in Italy.

Keynote speakers include: Constitutonal Court Vice President Marta Cartabia (May 16), Constitutional Court President Emeritus Giovanni Maria Flick and Senator Anna Finocchiaro (May 17).

“This Spring School may lead to good results. Partnerships are a very effective way of improving our performance and provide a mechanism to work together and better reflect the needs of students and scholars”, said Emanuele Rossi, Professor of Constitutional Law, as the Spring School coordinator.

Events are open to the public. For additional information, please write to

Click here for the Spring School di Diritto Parlamentare 2019 agenda.

Cover Photo: the Chamber of Deputies (Archives - Rome)